import { initMediaMonetization, monetizeEvents, mediaRemoved } from '../wmm-utils/client/monetize.js'
import { initAudioOrVideo, setClass, initCssClasses, unloadMedia } from './videoAndAudio.js'
import { setUrl, bindNotifications } from './common.js'
* Creates a web monetized audio element <wmm-audio><br/>
* Attributes:<br/>
* * src: audio file source; if full URL is used, the recipe verification will use the same host for verification.<br/>
* * paymentUrl: Payment pointer URL, can also include receipt service url.<br/>
* * skipVerification: if true, don't send receipts to backend for verifications.<br/>
class WmmAudio extends HTMLElement {
* Synchronise wmm-audio elements *src* attribute
* with inner audio -elements *src* attrubute.
get src() { return this.getAttribute('src') }
set src(url) { setUrl(this, url) }
get paymentUrl() { return this.getAttribute('paymentUrl') }
set paymentUrl(url) { this.setAttribute('paymentUrl', url) }
constructor () {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })
initAudioOrVideo(this, 'audio')
* Initializes monetization and styles when component is inserted into DOM.
connectedCallback () {
setClass(this, 'data-pending')
setUrl(this, this.src)
* Stops monetization and disconnects the media stream
* when component is removed from DOM.
disconnectedCallback () {
* Event listener for monetization and video events.
* Binding to monetization events ('monetizationStopped', 'monetized', 'monetizeFailed')
* allows tracking of monetization state, while all other events are passed
* to the inner <audio> element and can be used to track the state of the media.
* E.g.
* @param {string} name - Event name
* @param {function} action - The action to execute on event.
addEventListener(name, action) {
if (monetizeEvents.has(name)) {
super.addEventListener(name, action)
} else {, action)
* Remove monetization or video element listener
* @param {string} name - Event name
* @param {function} action - The action to execute on event.
removeEventListener(name, action) {
if (monetizeEvents.has(name)) {
super.removeEventListener(name, action)
} else {, action)
window.customElements.define('wmm-audio', WmmAudio)