Source: monetize.js

import {userId} from './user.js'

const getMetaTag = () => document.querySelector("head meta[name=monetization]")

 * A Set including names of all events that Web Monetization API
 * (document.monetization) emits.
export const monetizeEvents = new Set(
  ['monetizationStopped', 'monetized', 'monetizeFailed']

  'activeMedia' is the reference to the component currently being monetized.
  WM allows only one address to be monetized at a time, so in terms of
  WMM components, this means that only one component can be monetized at a time.
let activeMedia, mProgressAction, mediaOrigin

/** This is a description of updateMedia */
function updateMedia(wmm) {
  if (activeMedia && activeMedia.paymentUrl !== wmm.paymentUrl)
    activeMedia.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mediaMonetizationStopped',
                            {account: {paymentUrl: activeMedia.paymentUrl()}}))
  activeMedia = wmm
  try {
    mediaOrigin = (new URL(wmm.src)).origin
  } catch (err) {
    mediaOrigin = location.origin

 * Initializes monetization of WmmAudio or WmmVideo instance.
 * Monetization is started when the instance in inserted in DOM and only
 * one media can be monetizad at a time (limit of WM API).
 * For this reason, the monetize.js module tracks the currently active
 * media, and emits a 'mediaMonetizationStopped' event on the previously
 * active media, when a new media takes its place a the actively monetized
 * media.
 * @param {object} wmm WmmAudio or WmmVideo instance

export function initMediaMonetization(wmm) {
  if (!wmm.paymentUrl)
      return console.error("Add paymentUrl attribute (<wmm-video paymentUrl='...'>)")
  const skipBackendVerification = JSON.parse(wmm.getAttribute('skipVerification'))
  if (!skipBackendVerification)

export function mediaRemoved(wmm) {
  if (wmm === activeMedia) {
    document.querySelector("head meta[name='monetization']").remove()
    activeMedia = null

// NOTE: not used, since currently this is done in config file
const setPaymentPointerWithReceiptService = (paymentPointer, receiptService) =>
  setPaymentUrl(receiptService + encodeURIComponent(paymentPointer))

function setPaymentUrl(paymentUrl) {
  let metaTag = getMetaTag()
  if (metaTag && metaTag.content == paymentUrl) {
  if (!metaTag) {
    var mTag = document.createElement('meta') = "monetization"
  } else {`Web monetization address changed: ${paymentUrl}`)
  mTag.content = paymentUrl

// Save resources by not checking every receipt.
// (backend still receives the correct amount, since recipe service combines all previous recipes)
const waitBeforeNextRecipe = 600

function pipeReceiptEventsToBackend() {
  if (!getMetaTag()) {
    throw Error("setPaymentUrl (payment address) before piping payment events")
  if (!userId) {
    throw Error("userId required to identify receipt owner")
  if (!document.monetization) {
    return console.warn("Monetization not supported by browser, install wallet.")

  if (mProgressAction)
    document.monetization.removeEventListener('monetizationprogress', mProgressAction)

  let prevTime = null
                                         mProgressAction = async (ev) => {
    if (prevTime + waitBeforeNextRecipe > return
    prevTime =
    if (!activeMedia) return // media removed from dom
    if (!ev.detail?.receipt)
      return console.log('No receipt fond, skips backend verification')
    ev.detail.userId = userId
    const res = await fetch(mediaOrigin + '/verifyReceipt', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
      body: JSON.stringify(ev.detail)
    const result = await res.text(),
          success = !isNaN(Number(result))
    if (success) {
      activeMedia.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("monetized", {detail: {accountBalance: parseFloat(result)}}))
    } else {
      activeMedia.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("monetizeFailed", {detail: result}))