import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import {deposit} from '../backend.js'
* assetScale can't be verified using receipt service (
* so it is hard coded and assumed to be 9 (this is used by coil wallet)
const assumedAssetScale = 9
* Verifies receipt by sending it to the recipt verifier service and modifying the users account balance accordigly.
* @param {object} 'monetizationprogress' event's detail property, with userId included.
* @param {string} receiptService receiptService URL
export async function verifyReceipt({amount, paymentPointer, receipt, requestId, userId, assetScale},
receiptService) {
if (assetScale !== assumedAssetScale)
throw Error("unexpected assetScale")
const spspEndpoint = decodeURIComponent(
let receiptRes = await fetch(receiptService + 'verify', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
body: receipt
receiptRes = await receiptRes.text()
try {
receiptRes = JSON.parse(receiptRes)
} catch (err) {
console.error("Failed to parse receiptRes service response: ", receiptRes)
return receiptRes
if (spspEndpoint != receiptRes.spspEndpoint) {
throw Error("spspEndpoint sent by client and receipt service don't match.")
const serviceAmount = parseInt(receiptRes.amount)
if (parseInt(amount) > serviceAmount) {
// NOTE: the amount sent be recipe service can be bigger than the one sent by client,
// since the recipe service combines the amount of all payments before previous verification.
const msg = `Error: Amount send by client (${parseInt(amount)}) is bigger than the one from recipe service (${serviceAmount}).`
// NOTE: for some reason sometimes recipe service sends smaller amount than client.
// If this happens a lot, those amounts could also be deposited (based on serviceAmount).
return msg
return deposit(userId, serviceAmount / 10**assetScale)