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Configuring Pathfinder

Pathfinder can be configured using the following methods in order of priority:

  1. Command line options
  2. Environment variables

Command Line Options

Command-line options take the highest precedence. If an option is set both via environment variable and on the command line, the command-line value overrides.

When running Pathfinder via Docker, command-line arguments come after the Docker run options:

docker run \
--name pathfinder \
--detach \
--restart unless-stopped \
-p 9545:9545 \
--user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
-e RUST_LOG=info \
-e PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL="wss://<project-id>" \
-v $HOME/pathfinder:/usr/share/pathfinder/data \
eqlabs/pathfinder:latest \
--network mainnet \

If you built Pathfinder from source, pass options after -- so cargo doesn’t parse them:

cargo run --release --bin pathfinder -- \
--network mainnet \

Use --help to view all available options, including their corresponding environment variable names.

Network Selection

By default, Pathfinder detects your Starknet network based on the Ethereum endpoint you provide. If the endpoint is on Ethereum mainnet, it uses the mainnet network; if the endpoint is on Sepolia, it uses the Sepolia testnet.

However, you can explicitly override this detection using the --network option:

--network <mainnet|sepolia-testnet|sepolia-integration|custom>

For example, to force mainnet even if your Ethereum endpoint is ambiguous:

--network mainnet

Custom Networks and Gateway Proxies

Pathfinder can be configured to use custom networks and gateway proxies by specifying:

  • --network custom: Indicates a custom network configuration.

  • --gateway-url and --feeder-gateway-url: Specify the URLs of the gateway and feeder gateway.

  • --chain-id: The chain ID to use, specified as text (e.g., SN_SEPOLIA).

These options can be used to connect to a custom Starknet gateway or to use a proxy for the Starknet network:

Sample source build with a custom network
cargo run --release --bin pathfinder -- \
--network custom \
--gateway-url https://my-custom-network/gateway \
--feeder-gateway-url https://my-custom-network/feeder \
--chain-id SN_MYNETWORK

Logging Configuration

Logging can be configured using the RUST_LOG environment variable. We recommend setting it when you start the container:

docker run --name pathfinder [...] -e RUST_LOG=<log level> eqlabs/pathfinder:latest

The following log levels are supported, from most to least verbose:

info # default

State Trie Pruning

Pathfinder allows you to control the number of blocks of state trie history to preserve using either archive or pruned mode.

Archive mode keeps the entire history of state tries, which can be storage-intensive:


If you don’t require storage proofs for older blocks, you can prune the trie to preserve only recent states using the following option:


Where k keeps only the last k+1 blocks tries.

For example, if you’re using Docker and want to prune older state tries:

sudo docker run \
--name pathfinder \
--detach \
-p 9545:9545 \
-e RUST_LOG=info \
eqlabs/pathfinder:latest \
--network mainnet \

Here, Pathfinder keeps state tries for the latest 101 blocks.

Similarly, if you built Pathfinder from source and want to a prune state trie:

cargo run --release --bin pathfinder -- \
--network testnet \

Setting --storage.state-tries=0 keeps only the most recent block’s trie. This option maximizes space at the cost of older proofs.

  • Pruning affects only storage proofs for older blocks. All transactions and blocks are still available.
  • You cannot switch between archive and pruned mode mid-run. To switch from archive to pruned, you’ll need to either re-sync or use a pruned Database Snapshot.

Environment Variables

Pathfinder can also be configured via environment variables, which take second place in configuration precedence.

By convention, environment variables for Pathfinder begin with PATHFINDER_ and are in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

For instance, the --ethereum-api-url command-line option corresponds to PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL, and --network to PATHFINDER_NETWORK, etc.

When using Docker, pass environment variables via the -e option:

sudo docker run \
--name pathfinder \
--restart unless-stopped \
--detach \
-p 9545:9545 \
-v $HOME/pathfinder:/usr/share/pathfinder/data \
-e "PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL=wss://<project-id>" \
-e "PATHFINDER_NETWORK=sepolia-testnet" \
-e "RUST_LOG=debug" \

When running Pathfinder directly from source, set environment variables in this format:

RUST_LOG=debug PATHFINDER_NETWORK=sepolia-testnet cargo run --release --bin pathfinder

Command-line parameters will override environment variables if both are set.