
First, make sure you have a sending wallet installed. With the wallet, you can try out the online demo.

Choose the article from the top links. Now the article will start loading paragraph by paragraph, with each paragraph checking if enough payments have been made to load it.

New paragraphs will keep on loading as long as there is space on the page to show new text (i.e. "inifinite scroll") and the article hasn't reached its end.

Install locally#

Make sure you have GIT and recent node.js installed, clone the wmm-components git repository, and run the following command from its root:

npm install exampleText


<wmm-text src="enpoint for retrieving the paragraphs"
paymentUrl="Payment pointer URL, can also include receipt service url"
media="The text can be also passed in media attribute, which don't require a backend at all, but is not secure as it is directly accessible from the browser">

Import the packages/wmm-web-componets/WmmText.js module and add <wmm-text> element into the DOM where the component shold appear.

src points to the text file stored in /media folder and text is loaded pyragraph by paragraph (e.g. /media/Lorem info.txt/1 returns first paragraph of Lorem info file).

In this example paymentUrl is defined in config.js.

media attribute is used for simple pure frontend version of component (similar to skipVerification in audio and video.


The backend:

  • Verifies receipts that it receives from the frontend.
  • Parses the text files found in /media folder and server them paragraph by paragraph to the frontend.
  • Handles a user specific account, where valid receipts increase the balance and sending text to frontend deducts from it.
  • Server all the files found in public and packages folders to the frontend.

When balance is close to zero, it waits for new receipts before serving more text to the frontend.


In examples/text/config.js folder you can define properties like paymentPointer (the address where payments are made into) and pricePerWord (how much must be payed before text can be sent to the user).